Email Marketing

We develop a complete Email Marketing strategy with a long-term vision. We use the best practices and advanced tools to achieve efficiency and profitability.

Email Marketing

A successful Email Marketing campaign begins by building an effective strategy that allows you to get motivated subscribers to join your database and receive valuable information. We use advanced tools to reach the right people with the right information in order to increase the sales of your business. Email Marketing Agency in Cali.

Email marketing


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    Preparation of the work plan and schedule of activities.
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    Definition of objectives with management indicators.
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    Planning campaigns to get new subscribers.
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    Creative concept of campaigns for brand positioning.
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    Content strategyto create community, sell and build loyalty.
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    Analysis of statistics for the optimization of campaigns.


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    Modern and attractive design in all your campaigns.
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    Template designed according to your corporate image.
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    Calls to action, cross-sell elements and remarketing.
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    Calls to action with clear objectives.

Tracking and Analytics

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    Scheduling of shipments, on the most suitable days and times for your brand.
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    Real-timemonitoring of your campaigns through the web or mobile application.
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    Know who opens, clicks or deletes without reading.
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    Statistics of open messages, clicks, open rates, clicks, bounce, unsubscribe.


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    Integration with the different forms of the web page. The data is automatically saved in the Email Marketing platform.
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    You can add the necessary fields so that your database is segmented, for example: Birthday, Gender, Preferences, etc.
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    Configuration of personalized auto responses.
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    Integration with your virtual store, CRM, Google Drive, among others.
Email marketing


We carry out the automatic campaigns that your company needs. We make the most of the available tools to optimize your time and improve conversions. Here are some of the campaigns we can develop:

Email marketing
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    Sending personalized birthday email with a discount voucher.
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    Welcome email, and a certain number of days after subscription.
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    Integration with the virtual store to send dynamic coupons, for example, 30 days after a customer’s purchase.
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    Abandoned carts or remarketing with the product or a discount coupon.
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    Shipping products based on customer interests.


Email Marketing, a powerful sales tool!

Email is one of the most used communication channels on the Internet. Email Marketing fulfills different functions within the marketing of the company, depending on the strategy and the objectives set. It should be noted that Email Marketing has a fairly high conversion rate in electronic commerce, and serves to:

  • Maintain constant communication with our clients or prospects.
  • Convince prospects to buy our products or services.
  • Retain current customers with special offers.
  • To do remarketing or send reminders.
  • To automate digital marketing and e-commerce.
  • To develop content marketing.

The main benefits of implementing Email Marketing for your business are:

  • Measure the results of the campaigns in real time, which helps to make decisions.
  • Increase your database. The more subscribers you have, the greater the chances of increasing sales. Virtually obtained databases have a higher opening percentage than a physically obtained database.
  • Implement AB campaigns, which are used to test different versions of the same theme, which are optimized based on the performance of each one. AB campaigns can be implemented for both Layout and Subject.

We work with the main specialized Email Marketing platforms on the market, which have web versions and mobile applications with which you can follow minute by minute the monitoring of campaigns and the growth of subscriber lists.

At Servicios Digitales we deliver a monthly report with campaign metrics, conclusions and recommendations in order to provide feedback on the company’s marketing plan.

Email Marketing campaigns have 3 basic costs:

  1. Cost of the Email Marketing platform.
  2. Cost of executing the strategy, shipments and monitoring: It will depend on the number of emails you want to send, we have plans from $63.84.
  3. Cost of integrations and automations: It will depend on the needs of each brand, the number of integrations and the level of customization.

Cost of the Email Marketing platform: Currently there are several tools on the market that offer different plans starting from $9 USD per month, and the cost will depend on the size of the list of subscribers.


Sending emails to people who have not requested it or without consent is a Not recommended practice, this could have consequences for the brand.

By sending this type of email, your company’s domain could enter a blacklist by exceeding the percentage of emails bounced or marked as Spam.

Depending on the laws of the country where the company is located, this practice could be considered a crime.

We recommend companies to create their own database by themselves, with people who are really interested in the products, services or content. Also, the open rate of a virtually collected database is higher than a physically collected database.

It is important to have knowledge about the Personal Data Protection Law in Colombia, so as not to incur serious offenses.