The hashtag myth

The hashtag myth
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The hashtag myth

Learn to use hashtags for the benefit of your brand

There are different types of Hashtags that can help you a lot to influence your social media strategy. Here we share them so that from now on they are always taken into account.

*Trending – You can take advantage of these fast growing hashtags. Note that they only work when close to your niche. Generic hashtags will make your content get lost and will not allow you to see it.

Own:They are yours and serve to categorize content. (I still recommend using the Instagram guide.) For example, if you wanted to categorize a specific topic (such as our customers), you could use #DigitalServiceClients. It’s specific, it’s not going to be huge.

*Niche:They are specific to the topic you are talking about. They aren’t huge, but they will make sure that the followers you need can find your content. Example: #marketingdigitalparaempresas 162,000 publications. And #marketingdigital has more than 30 million posts.

There is a practice not recommended, where they put the hashtags in the comments. If you leave them in the comments, your posts will not appear in search engines when people search for keywords or phrases related to the hashtags you use. So the best thing is that you do not do it anymore! Instagram shared an article telling us that if you want your content to be found when people use the platform’s search engine, you should put your hashtag in the title.

Posts with hashtags in the copy, caption, or description text had higher reach and likes, resulting in an 18% improvement in overall results.

The world of digital marketing is very wide, find the place and the strategy for your brand here.

Follow us on our Instagram.

Hashtags, Instagram
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